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lca artinya

contoh kalimat "lca"
  • lca
  • 1022 LCA Co. A, 1st Bn., 116th Inf. 30
    Hq, Co. G, 2nd Bn., 116th Inf.
  • LCA - Curtain Falls (Kostya Rhino Remix)
    Dan Balan - Lendo Calendo (ft. Tany Vander, Brasco)
  • Europe and the U.S. started bilateral negotiations for the limitation of government subsidies to the LCA sector in the late 1980s.
    Uni Eropa dan AS memulai negosiasi bilateral untuk pembatasan subsidi pemerintah di sektor LCA pada akhir 1980-an.
  • Among the Lutheran churches in America, the LCA was thus the one that was most similar to the established Lutheran churches in Europe.
    Dibandingkan dengan gereja-gereja Lutheran lain di Amerika Serikat, ELCA dianggap yang paling mirip dengan gereja-gereja Lutheran di Skandinavia dan Jerman.
  • This became a major issue of contention, as the European side was equally concerned by subsidies accruing to U.S. LCA manufacturers through NASA and Defense programs.
    Ini menjadi isu utama pertentangan, sebagaimana pihak Eropa sama-sama prihatin dengan subsidi yang diperoleh produsen LCA Amerika Serikat melalui program NASA dan Pertahanan.
  • This has been confirmed by LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies, which quantify the environmental impacts of products such as cars, often from the time they are produced until they are recycled.
    Ini sudah dikonfirmasi oleh LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) studies, di mana mengukur dampak lingkungan produk seperti mobil, sering waktu ke waktu mereka diproduksi sampai mereka didaur ulang.
  • One LCA study which took into account the production of greenhouse gases, carcinogens, and waste production found that exclusive cars, sports cars and SUVs were "characterized by a poor environmental performance."
    Satu studi LCA di mana mengambil ke produksi gas rumahkaca, karsinogen, dan produksi sampah menemukan bahwa mobil eksklusif, mobil sport dan SUV telah "dikarakterisasi oleh performa lingkungan buruk".
  • Sigit Reliantoro delivers several keynote speeches in this workshop, beginning with a review of the company's performance in PROPER value giving, steps the business actors have to do to get the maximum value for the assessment PROPER, until a brief explanation of the company's achievement of the SDGs and LCA.
    Sigit Reliantoro menyampaikan beberapa paparan penting dalam workshop ini, mulai dari review kinerja perusahaan dalam pemberian nilai PROPER, langkah langkah apa yang harus dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha untuk mendapatkan nilai yg maksimal untuk penilaian PROPER, sampai penjelasan singkat pencapaian perusahaan terhadap SDGs dan LCA ini.