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leg artinya

pengucapan: [ leg ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: legged   kata kerja past continuous: legged   kata benda plural: legs   kata kerja present continuous: legging   
contoh kalimat "leg"
  • And I go, "I know, but the legs ..."
    Lalu saya menjawab, "Saya tahu, tapi kakinya..."
  • And I sat down, and I opened my legs.
    Jadi saya duduk, dan merentangkan kaki saya.
  • Tell Dr. Wilson to take this leg off.
    Katakan Dr Wilson untuk mengambil kaki ini off.
  • By the way... how are your legs since the accident?
    Omong2 Bagaimana kakimu sejak kecelakaan itu?
  • My legs always looked ridiculous in those shorts.
    Kakiku selalu tampak konyol Kalau memakai celana pendek.
  • Sergeant gangrene is eating my leg away not my eyes.
    Sersan, kelemayuh menggerogoti kakiku bukan mataku.
  • They've got four legs, we only got two!
    Mereka punya empat kaki, kita hanya punya dua!
  • I've got nice thighs too. I hot legs. You saw!
    Aku punya kaki yang indah juga!
  • Dad, I've got three bites on my leg.
    Ayah, saya mendapat tiga gigitan di kaki saya.
  • Linda cannot walk with a leg like that.
    Linda tidak bisa berjalan dengan kaki seperti itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
    Sinonim: stage,

  • (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack

  • a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person''s leg

  • one of the supports for a piece of furniture

  • a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg
    Sinonim: peg, wooden leg, pegleg,

  • a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

  • a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion

  • the limb of an animal used for food

  • a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"
    Sinonim: branch, ramification,