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leiria artinya

contoh kalimat "leiria"
  • leiria
  • The President met with survivors who were evacuated to Leiria.
    Presiden menemui para penyintas yang dievakuasi ke Leiria.
  • Texas Hawaii Nevada Catalonia Il-Gzira Hatay Leiria Connecticut Washington Faro Adana
    Maldonado Surathani Malaysia Colorado Troms Flaq Porto Faro Latium Apulia Oregon
  • Texas Hawaii Nevada Catalonia Il-Gzira Hatay Leiria Connecticut Washington Faro Adana
    Indonesia Thailand Italy Tennessee Istarska Faro Adana Georgia Phuket Sardinia Iowa
  • Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazaré, city of Leiria, in Portugal.
    Koxa menyelancari ombak pada 8 November 2017, di desa Nazaré, kota Leiria, di Portugal.
  • The creation of the contemporary Leiria was preceded by an intense political debate; that is, the period of political debate that led to the institution of autonomous communities as the first-level political divisions of Portugal.
    Penciptaan Leiria kontemporer didahului oleh perdebatan politik yang intens; yaitu, periode perdebatan politik yang menyebabkan institusi masyarakat otonom sebagai divisi politik tingkat pertama Portugal.