licq-athérey artinya
- licq-athérey
- arab ba'ath movement: gerakan ba'ath arab
- ath aissa mimoun: djebel aissa mimoun
- ba'ath party: partai ba'ath
- national thowheeth jama'ath: jemaah tauhid nasional
- al-ash'ath ibn qays: asy'ats bin qais
- national command of the ba'ath party: komando nasional partai ba'ath
- rey mysterio: rey mysterio, jr.
- arab socialist ba'ath party – iraq region: partai sosialis arab ba'ath – wilayah irak
- licorice: permen hitam
- lictor: liktor
- lickpot: jari telunjuk
- licuala grandis: pokok palas