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lidar artinya

contoh kalimat "lidar"
  • lidar
  • This LIDAR laser technology even shows his escape tunnel.
    Teknologi Laser LIDAR ini bahkan bisa mendeteksi terowongan melarikan diri Tapia.
  • Can be configured with Lidar in flight collosion avoidance.
    Dapat dikonfigurasi dengan Lidar dalam penghindaran kolusi penerbangan.
  • Comparison of topo maps lidar vs. ground survey
    Perbandingan peta topo lidar vs ground survey
  • Nanosecond Short Pulse Fiber Laser for LIDAR
    Nanodetik pendek Pulse Fiber Laser untuk LIDAR
  • CoLID Series 1064nm Short Pulse Fiber Laser for LiDAR
    CoLID Seri 1550nm pendek Pulse Fiber Laser untuk LIDAR
  • CoLID Series 1550nm Short Pulse Fiber Laser for LiDAR
    CoLID Seri 1064nm pendek Pulse Fiber Laser untuk LIDAR
  • Eventually, using the Lidar data, 30 previously unidentified temples were discovered.
    Akhirnya dengan menggunakan data Lidar, 30 candi yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal berhasil ditemukan.
  • 5V Small Laser Distance Sensor 1m RS232 Wide Measurement LiDAR Sensor
    5V Sensor Jarak Laser Kecil 1m RS232 Pengukuran Lebar Sensor LiDAR
  • Jakarta - One product is a lidar aerial photos, because all fly
    Jakarta - Salah satu produk lidar adalah foto udara, karena sekalian terbang
  • Optical Fiber Module OTDR System LIDAR 27dBm Low Noise Figure Modular EDFA
    Modul Serat Optik Sistem OTDR LIDAR 27dBm Gambar Kebisingan Rendah Modular EDFA
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a measuring system that detects and locates objects on the same principle as radar but uses light from a laser; a potential technology for detecting air turbulence that can affect aircraft