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lingual artinya

pengucapan: [ 'liŋgwəl ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "lingual"
  • Well, then, I'll put Lingual
    Nah , kemudian , aku akan menaruh ... lingual
  • A multi lingual website can trade with the world
    Multi-bahasa situs web dapat melakukan perdagangan dengan dunia
  • Multi Lingual Search Holy Quran is Available
    Pencarian Terjemahan Al Quran Multi Bahasa Telah Tersedia
  • Created by multiple lingual website builder - Sleda
    Dibuat oleh beberapa pembuat situs web lingual - Sleda
  • Driver ScanWizard DI [EU] Multi Lingual Windows Vista
    Microtek ScanWizard DI InterVideo MediaOne Gallery (PC)
  • Digestion of fats begin in the mouth through chemical digestion by lingual lipase.
    Pencernaan lemak dimulai di mulut melalui pencernaan kimiawi oleh lipase lingual.
  • Dr. Yeon Bum Choi(President of Korean association of lingual orthodontists (KALO) )? Dr. Wiechmann(ドイツ)
    江南 Coex Conference Room South 4F, Seoul, Korea
  • This also fixes the reported Multi Lingual problem in the Job manager notes.
    Ini juga perbaikan melaporkan masalah Multi Lingual dalam catatan manajer Job.
  • Menu-driven, multi lingual operation menu (English, German, French, Spanish) with large backlit display
    Menu pengoperasian dengan berbagai bahasa (Inggris, Jerman, Prancis, Spanyol) dengan layar backlit yang besar
  • Aside from Invisalign aligners, there are traditional braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces.
    Selain aligner (cetakan gigi) Invisalign, terdapat kawat gigi tradisional, kawat gigi keramik dan kawat gigi lingual.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a consonant that is produced with the tongue and other speech organs

  • Kata sifat
  • pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue; "lingual inflammation"; "the lingual surface of the teeth"

  • consisting of or related to language; "linguistic behavior"; "a linguistic atlas"; "lingual diversity"
    Sinonim: linguistic,