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lubbock artinya

contoh kalimat "lubbock"
  • On a chicken farm outside of Lubbock.
    Di sebuah peternakan ayam di luar Lubbock.
  • 'Cause they ain't robbing banks in Lubbock.
    Karena tidak ada perampokan bank di Lubbock.
  • That's all I heard since Lubbock.
    Itu saja yang saya dengar sejak Lubbock.
  • Why couldn't we drive back to Lubbock?
    Kenapa kita tidak kembali ke Lubbock?
  • Here comes Scotty Griffiths, out of Lubbock, Texas
    sinidatangScottyGriffiths, dari Lubbock, Texas
  • Name's Sam Douglas from Lubbock, Texas.
    Namaku Sam Douglas dari Lubbock, Texas.
  • She's on assignment, which is code for "monster-Truck rally in lubbock."
    Dia ditugaskan, membuat cerita tentang reli truk monster di Lubbock.
  • This babe... legs up to Lubbock.
    Wanita ini, terdepan menuju Lubbock.
  • We know that girl in Lubbock.
    Aku tidak pernah memperkosa siapapun.
  • "captain lubbock, baltimore p. D."
    "Kapten Lubbock, Kepolisian Baltimore"
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