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magpie artinya

kata benda plural: magpies   
contoh kalimat "magpie"
  • Or am I getting you muddled up with magpies?
    Atau akan kucampurkan dirimu dengan para pembual?
  • And always remember, the magpie deserves your respect.
    Dan selalu ingat, magpie berhak mendapat keramahanmu.
  • No wonder the magpies keep chirping.
    Tidak heran dari pagi burung murai terus menerus berkicau.
  • The magpie is the most charming bird in all the world.
    Magpie adalah burung paling indah diseluruh dunia.
  • No, it's not a cat, it's a magpie.
    Itu bukan kucing, tapi burung magpie.
  • You know, there were crows and magpies and everything.
    Ada banyak gagak,murai dan sebagainya.
  • Go, go and ask the magpie,
    Go, go and ask the magpie,
  • Do you have a magpie in your home?
    Kau punya Magpie dirumahmu?
  • Mantis stalks the cicada is eaten by Magpies in the post
    Belalang dan jangkrik bertarung, burung magpy yg menikmati hasilnya
  • Chattering like magpies out there.
    Berceloteh seperti burung gagak di luar sana.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4