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mathematics artinya

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contoh kalimat "mathematics"
  • We'll teach her mathematics. That'll calm her down."
    Mari kita ajarkan matematika. Itu akan membuatnya tenang."
  • They do the simple mathematics, averaging, etc., etc.
    Mereka melakukan matematika sederhana, membuat rata-rata, dan lainnya.
  • "My father has a very refined knowledge of mathematics."
    "Ayahku pengetahuan yang sangat halus matematika. "
  • I'm having some issues with my mathematics, that's all.
    Aku sedang bermasalah dengan hitunganku, itu saja.
  • Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship.
    Matematika dan seni memiliki hubungan sejarah yang panjang.
  • The origin of Greek mathematics is not well documented.
    Cikal-bakal matematika Yunani tidaklah mudah untuk didokumenkan.
  • Euler succeeded him as the head of the mathematics department.
    Euler menggantikannya sebagai kepala departemen matematika.
  • Willebrord Snellius at the Mathematics Genealogy Project Snell's Law Song
    Willebrord Snellius di Proyek Genealogi Matematika
  • Nemeth studied mathematics and physics at Brooklyn College.
    Janssen mempelajari matematika dan fisika di Fakultas MIPA.
  • In 2019 he received the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.
    Tahun 2013, ia memenangkan Hadiah Wolf Matematika.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
    Sinonim: math, maths,