meanly artinya
- meaningly: dengan penuh arti
- meaninglessness: bukan-bukan
- meanness: keburukan; kekikiran; ketidak jujuran; ketidakjujuran/tipu muslihat
- meaningless: tidak berarti; tak berarti; kecil; tiada berarti; sia-sia
- means: berarti; petua; sarana; uang; upaya; jalan; perkakas; mekanisme; peralatan; pendapat; harta; alat; perolehan; saluran; minhaj; cara; alat musik; tindakan; ikhtiar; kuasa
- meaningfully: dengan penuh arti adv
- means naught: tidak berarti apapun
- meaningful: bermakna; penuh arti; penting; bermaksud; berarti
- means nothing: tidak berarti apapun
- And though trained up thus meanly their thoughts do hit the roofs of palaces.
Dan meskipun dilatih sehingga kejam pikiran mereka lakukan memukul atap istana - Sexy Ands Hot Asian Ashley Marie On Her Knees Sucking Meanly On Meaty Ramrod
Seksi ands seksi asia ashley marie di dia knees mengisap meanly di meaty ramrod - He appears to see them as closer friends than they see him but neither of them treats him meanly either.
Maka termangu-mangulah teman-temannya seperjalanan, karena mereka memang mendengar suara itu, tetapi tidak melihat seorang jugapun. - If her pregnancy is not yet clear she can stay in her husband's house for three to four further months. He is not allowed to treat his divorced wife meanly during that time.
Jika kehamilannya belum jelas maka ia dapat tinggal di rumah suaminya selama 3 hingga 4 bulan ke depan. Suaminya tidak diijinkan untuk memperlakukan istri yang telah diceraikannya itu dengan buruk selama waktu itu.
- in a miserly manner; "they lived meanly and without ostentation"
Sinonim: humbly, humbly,
- poorly or in an inferior manner; "troops meanly equipped"
- in a despicable, ignoble manner; "this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society"
Sinonim: scurvily, basely, scurvily, basely,
- in a nasty ill-tempered manner; "`Don''t expect me to help you,'' he added nastily"
Sinonim: nastily, nastily,
- in a miserly manner; "they lived meanly and without ostentation"
Sinonim: humbly, humbly,
- poorly or in an inferior manner; "troops meanly equipped"
- in a despicable, ignoble manner; "this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society"
Sinonim: scurvily, basely, scurvily, basely,
- in a nasty ill-tempered manner; "`Don''t expect me to help you,'' he added nastily"
Sinonim: nastily, nastily,