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medic artinya

pengucapan: [ medik ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "medic"
  • You just volunteered to become a Field Medic.
    Kau baru saja mengajukan diri menjadi tenaga medik.
  • You can send a medic back when you reach your objective.
    Kau dapat membantu dia setelahnya!
  • Our medic has been MIA over a year.
    Dokter kami telah hilang lebih dari satu tahun.
  • Claire the medic is going to save the day.
    Claire petugas medis akan menyelamatkan hari ini.
  • Chicks so sick, so sick, no medic, bro
    Chicks so sick, so sick, no medic, bro
  • I'm counting eight guys here... Khalid Sankar, Yemeni medic;
    Aku menghitung ada delapan orang di sini
  • AJ, take this medic to the back room.
    AJ, mengambil tenaga medis ini ke ruang belakang.
  • Medic, pedic, zed oblique, orphic, morphic, dorphic, Greek.
    MEDIC, Pedic, Zed miring, ? Gaib, morfik, DORPHIC, YUNANI.
  • Hey, Doc, we need a medic up here.
    Hey, Dok, kita butuh medis di sini.
  • And keep the set medic on cue just in case.
    Dan siapkan paramedis untuk antisipasi.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a medical practitioner in the armed forces
    Sinonim: medical officer,

  • any of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves
    Sinonim: medick, trefoil,