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melbourne artinya

contoh kalimat "melbourne"
  • Melbourne receives 48.6 clear days annually.
    Cuaca cerah di Melbourne berlangsung selama 48,6 hari setiap tahun.
  • Let the police and... and Melbourne do their job.
    Biarkan polisi... Melbourne melakukan pekerjaan mereka.
  • The entire town thinks you did it, except for Melbourne.
    Seluruh kota berpikir Kamu melakukannya, kecuali Melbourne.
  • Mr. Melbourne, you can't go in there!
    Pak Melbourne, Kamu tidak bisa masuk ke sana!
  • The Bolte government sought to rapidly accelerate the modernisation of Melbourne.
    Pemerintahan Bolte ingin mempercepat modernisasi Melbourne.
  • 1901 – Australia opens its first parliament in Melbourne.
    1901 - Australia membuka parlemen pertamanya di Melbourne.
  • Her biological father used to own cafés around Melbourne.
    Ayah kandungnya dulu memiliki kafe di sekitar Melbourne.
  • Bodine currently lives in West Melbourne, Florida.
    Bodine saat ini tinggal di Melbourne Barat, Florida.
  • Melbourne is the second busiest airport in Australia.
    Melbourne adalah bandara tersibuk kedua di Australia.
  • He failed to make it in the 1956 Melbourne Olympics.
    Mereka berhasil lolos ke Olimpiade Melbourne 1956.
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