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memorial artinya

pengucapan: [ mi'mɔ:riəl ]  audio:
kata benda plural: memorials   
contoh kalimat "memorial"
  • Do you know anybody at Daytona Memorial?
    Hei, Tim. Apa kau kenal seseorang di Daytona Memorial?
  • A final memorial, the kind she would have liked.
    Sebuah peringatan terakhir, jenis dia akan menyukai.
  • Why don't you wander back past the memorial?
    Mengapa kamu tidak keliling kembali lewat the memorial?
  • It was hidden behind Gentatsu's memorial altar.
    Ini disembunyikan di belakang "Altar Kematian" Gentatsu. Boleh kulihat?
  • The crowd in front of Hope Memorial is growing.
    Keramaian didepan RS Hope Memorial semakin meningkat.
  • I'm Liangzi I am managing the Memorial Cemetery here
    Aku Liangzi. Aku yang merawat makam ini.
  • They're holding a memorial for Leonard Railton.
    Mereka mengenang Leonard Railton. Dia seharusnya hadir di sana.
  • This is the memorial tablet for Gaozu Sir!
    Tempat duduk Gao Chu tepat berada di sini
  • You going to Dr. Vogel's memorial tomorrow?
    Kau akan datang ke acara peringatan Dr. Vogel besok?
  • Isn't tomorrow Titus Delancey's memorial service?
    Isn apos; upacara peringatan s, t besok Titus Delancey apos?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a structure erected to commemorate persons or events
    Sinonim: monument,

  • a written statement of facts submitted in conjunction with a petition to an authority

  • a recognition of meritorious service
    Sinonim: commemoration, remembrance,