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miasma artinya

kata benda plural: miasmata   
contoh kalimat "miasma"
  • Local doctors attributed the epidemic to miasma, or bad air and they responded to it by burning incenses and promoting the sale of fragrant flowers.
    Dokter setempat menghubungkan wabahnya ke miasma, atau udara kotor dan mereka menanggapinya dengan membakar dupa dan mempromosikan penjualan bunga.
    Kata benda
  • unhealthy vapors rising from the ground or other sources; "the miasma of the marshes"; "a miasma of cigar smoke"
    Sinonim: miasm,

  • an unwholesome atmosphere; "the novel spun a miasma of death and decay"
    Sinonim: miasm,