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mica artinya

contoh kalimat "mica"
  • And these were steel, mica, plastic, copper and nickel.
    Baja, mika, plastik, tembaga, dan nikel.
  • It's encrusted with igneous biotite in a mica schist.
    Bertahtakan biotite beku dalam schist mika.
  • White from kaolin or mica was used occasionally.
    Terkadang putih dari kaolin (tanah liat) atau mika digunakan.
  • Others contain fine scales of kaolin or of mica.
    Batuan lainnya mengandung sisik halus kaolin atau mika.
  • Lizzie and Mica, you care about them.
    Lizzie dan Mica, Kau peduli pada mereka.
  • It is gradually being replaced by the MBDA MICA.
    Senjata udara-ke-udara ini secara bertahap digantikan oleh MBDA MICA.
  • The most important sources of sheet mica are pegmatite deposits.
    Sumber mika lempengan yang terpenting adalah cadangan pegmatit.
  • Leo Borlock is Stargirl's former love interest from Mica, Arizona.
    Leo Borlock adalah mantan pacar Stargirl dari Mica, Arizona.
  • And some mica, shale limestone.
    Dan beberapa mika, batu karang batu kapur.
  • "powdered mica... and three drops of
    "...bubuk mika..." "...dan tiga tetes darah."?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • any of various minerals consisting of hydrous silicates of aluminum or potassium etc. that crystallize in forms that allow perfect cleavage into very thin leaves; used as dielectrics because of their resistance to electricity
    Sinonim: isinglass,