moseroth artinya
- moselle-geo-stub: tunas-geo-moselle
- moselle communes: komun moselle
- moses: musa; moses; grandma moses; anna mary robertson moses
- moselle (department) geography stubs: tunas geografi moselle
- moses (michelangelo): musa (michelangelo)
- moselle (department): moselle (departemen); moselle
- moses and monotheism: musa dan monoteisme
- moselle: anggur putih lembah moselle; sungai moselle; moselle (department); moselle
- The other account is found in the Book of Deuteronomy, where Moses is reported as saying that Aaron died at Moseroth (Mosera) and was buried there.
Akun lain dalam Kitab Ulangan, mencatat laporan Musa bahwa Harun meninggal di Moserot (Mosera) dan dimakamkan di sana.