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nag artinya

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contoh kalimat "nag"
  • Nag and Anushka have good onscreen chemistry".
    Nag dan Anushka memiliki baik di layar kimia ".
  • But don't make a mistake and shoot the nag.
    Tapi jangan membuat kesalahan dan menembak nag itu.
  • But just enough to start to nag you
    Tapi itu sudah membuat perasaanmu tidak enak
  • There's no need to nag like an old woman !
    Tidak perlu merengek seperti seorang wanita tua!
  • Is he going to nag me about missing the practice?
    Apa dia akan marah padaku?
  • Just a biscuit and you have to nag
    Hanya sepotong biskuit dan kau harus cerewet
  • If anyone lays a hand on that nag, shoot him.
    Jika seseorang meletakkan tangan pada merengek itu, menembaknya.
  • If you continue to nag like this!
    Jika Anda terus terusan mengomel tentang itu!
  • Not having you to nag me about waking up late
    tidak ada yang ngomel saat aku bangun telat
  • [For example, the nag you saw in the meeting.]
    Seperti sakit kepala ringan yang kau lihat saat rapat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an old or over-worked horse
    Sinonim: hack, jade, plug,

  • someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
    Sinonim: scold, scolder, nagger, common scold,

  • Kata kerja
  • remind or urge constantly; "she nagged to take a vacation"

  • bother persistently with trivial complaints; "She nags her husband all day long"
    Sinonim: peck, hen-peck,

  • worry persistently; "nagging concerns and doubts"