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nervously artinya

pengucapan: [ 'nə:vəsli ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "nervously"
  • Nervously biting my fingers (Always thinking of her)
    Nervously biting my fingers (Always thinking of her)
  • The cats pace nervously, looking for an opening.
    Kucing besar melangkah gugup, mencari kesempatan.
  • They just start nervously doing the hokey-pokey.
    Tiba-tiba mereka bermain hokey-pokey.
  • [ chuckles nervously ] [ gun cocks ] You are gonna draw me.
    [Terkekeh gugup] [Gun ayam] Anda akan menarik saya.
  • Harold nervously made small talk.
    Harold gugup membuat obrolan ringan.
  • No, I... ( Chuckles nervously ) I would never have sex
    tidak, aku... ( tertawa gugup ) aku belum pernah melakukan seks
  • "That night, the boy nervously stood in front of the whole village,
    "Malam itu, si bocah gugup berdiri didepan seluruh penduduk desa,
  • Delicately, shyly Nervously, coyly
    Delicately, malu-malu gugup, malu-malu
  • "As pressure mounted, he would nervously clear his throat, choking on his own guilt."
    "Seperti dipasang tekanan, ia akan gugup berdeham, Tersedak kesalahannya sendiri"
  • Oh, I'm sure Figgins will just mumble something nervously and then pretend to take a phone call.
    Oh, aku yakin Figgins hanya akan mengomel tidak jelas dan pura-pura menelpon.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
  • in an anxiously nervous manner; "we watched the stock market nervously"

  • with nervous excitement; "our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch"

  • in an anxiously nervous manner; "we watched the stock market nervously"

  • with nervous excitement; "our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch"