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newly artinya

pengucapan: [ 'nju:li ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "newly"
  • It is newly revealed by God to his messenger.
    Ini baru diwahyukan oleh Allah kepada utusan-Nya.
  • You're still a newly wedded couple with Koichi.
    Kau masih pasangan yang baru kawin dengan Koichi.
  • Well, he's the newly appointed regimental S-4.
    Dia perwira yang baru ditunjuk resimen menangani S-4 (logistik).
  • The newly recent aliens respond to the attack.
    Makhluk asing ini baru-baru ini mulai membalas menyerang.
  • Liu became the emperor of his newly found
    Raja Liu Bei akhirnya menobatkan dirinya sebagai Kaisar.
  • Where's our newly minted commander? Probably unpacking his rule book.
    di mana komandan baru kita ?
  • Go outside Newly shaved head, wear this
    Pergi ke luar kepala yang baru dicukur, pakai ini
  • Welcome to the land of the newly dead.
    Selamat datang di tempat orang-orang yang baru mati.
  • The newly opened restaurant has really good food.
    Restoran yang baru buka memiliki hidangan yang enak.
  • Today is a happy occasion celebrating the newly appointed town head.
    Hariiniadalahmomenbahagia untuk merayakan walikota baru.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
  • very recently; "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"
    Sinonim: freshly, fresh, new, freshly, fresh, new,

  • very recently; "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"
    Sinonim: freshly, fresh, new, freshly, fresh, new,