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non-aligned artinya

contoh kalimat "non-aligned"
  • The new Constitution stated that Cambodia was a neutral and non-aligned state.
    Konstitusi baru menyatakan bahwa Kamboja adalah netral dan negara non-blok .
  • The former became a neutral state, non-aligned with any political bloc.
    Negara pertama menjadi negara netral dan tidak memihak dengan blok politik manapun.
  • Indonesia continues to be a prominent, and generally helpful, leader of the Non-Aligned Movement.
    Indonesia terus menjadi pemimpin Gerakan Non-Blok terdepan dan suportif.
  • 18th Summit of Non-Aligned Movement gets underway in Baku
    40, Metbuat Ave. Baku, AZ 1141, Azerbaijan Republic
  • 1961 – The first conference of the Non-Aligned Countries is held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
    1961 – Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi pertama Gerakan Non-Blok di Beograd, Yugoslavia, berakhir.
  • It is also an observer member of the Eurasian Economic Community and the Non-Aligned Movement.
    Armenia juga bertindak sebagai pengamat pada Masyarakat Ekonomi Eurasia dan Gerakan Non-Blok.
  • He graduated in 1987 with a thesis on peace negotiations between members of the Non-Aligned Movement.
    Dia lulus pada 1987 dengan tesis tentang perundingan perdamaian antara anggota Gerakan Non-Blok.
  • Both nations are members of the Non-Aligned Movement, Group of 77 and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
    Kedua negara adalah anggota Gerakan Non-Blok, Kelompok 77 dan Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI).
  • Taraki, in a speech, said "We will defend our non-aligned policy and independence with all valour.
    Dalam sebuah pidato Taraki menyatakan, "Kami akan mempertahankan kebijakan non-blok dan kemerdekaan kita dengan keberanian.
  • In September 1973, he returned to Algiers to attend the Fourth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
    Pada September 1973, ia kembali ke Aljir untuk menghadiri KTT Gerakan Non-Blok (GNB) Keempat.
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