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objection artinya

pengucapan: [ əb'dʒekʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: objections   
contoh kalimat "objection"
  • The objection of the defense has been heard and overruled.
    Keberatan pembela telah didengar dan ditolak.
  • The boy has made no objection to the trade?
    Anak itu sepertinya tidak keberatan untuk diperdagangkan?
  • I take it there are no objections from the defense?
    Kuanggap tidak ada keberatan dari terdakwa?
  • The objection from the problem of evil can be solved.
    Keberatan mengenai masalah kejahatan dapat dipecahkan.
  • However, there have been various objections to the contest.
    Namun, ada berbagai keberatan terhadap kontes ini.
  • Any objection to a couple of us coming with you?
    Dapatkah sebagian dari kita pergi dengan Anda?
  • We're taking in the show, Marshal. Any objections?
    Kami ingin menonton pertunjukan Marshal, kau keberatan?
  • Sustain all objections, but face the truth. Yes.
    Terimalah semua keberatan itu, tapi hadapilah faktanya!
  • I didn't hear the reason for your objection, Mr. Garrett.
    Aku tak melihat alasan keberatanmu.
  • What else about me do you have objections to?
    Apa lagi tentang saya yang Anda miliki keberatan?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • (law) a procedure whereby a party to a suit says that a particular line of questioning or a particular witness or a piece of evidence or other matter is improper and should not be continued and asks the court to rule on its impropriety or illegality

  • the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent
    Sinonim: protest, dissent,

  • the speech act of objecting

  • the act of expressing earnest opposition or protest
    Sinonim: expostulation, remonstrance, remonstration,