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ohm artinya

pengucapan: [ əum ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "ohm"
  • Wise choice that you are now dating Ohm.
    Pilihan bijak bahwa sekarang kau berkencan dengan Ohm.
  • Ohm, will you give interview on my show?
    Ohm, akankah anda pergi wawancara di acara saya?
  • Mr Ohm will go to K-pop's conference tomorrow
    Mr Ohm akan pergi besok ke konferensi K-pop
  • Please take care of the crews... and Ohm, will you?
    Ku Harap berhati-hatilah dan Ohm, kan?
  • And this is Mister Ohm, our special guest.
    Dan ini adalah Tuan Ohm, tamu istimewa kita.
  • Ohm. you know how my life is now?
    Ohm. Anda tahu bagaimana hidup saya sekarang?
  • Ohm. how could you do this to me?
    Ohm. bagaimana kau bisa melakukan ini padaku?
  • I don't want to compare myself with Ohm.
    Aku tak mau membandingkan diriku dengan Ohm.
  • Sa, I think you should reconcile with Ohm.
    Sa, kurasa kau harus rujuk dengan Ohm.
  • Didn't they tell you Ohm already accepted it?
    apa mereka tidak memberitahumu Ohm sudah menerimanya?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a unit of electrical resistance equal to the resistance between two points on a conductor when a potential difference of one volt between them produces a current of one ampere