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optical artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ɔptikəl ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "optical"
  • This is an optical lure that I've used.
    Ini adalah alat optik pemikat yang kami gunakan.
  • I believe the optical data network is down, Ensign.
    Kuyakin jaringan data optiknya rusak, Perwira Muda.
  • We should do an optical test to make sure.
    Kita harus melakukan tes optik untuk memastikan.
  • But I know it was just an optical illusion.
    Tapi, aku tahu itu hanya ilusi optik.
  • It's an old conjurer's trick-- a simple optical illusion.
    Semuanya trik kuno, ilusi optik yang sederhana.
  • increasing your family's holdings in optical fiber.
    ...dengan membesarkan kepemilikan keluarga anda dalam serat optik.
  • Ferdinand's visions were in fact an optical illusion.
    Pengelihatan Ferdinand sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah ilusi mata.
  • It's a synchronous optical network, 10 gigs a second.
    Terdapat jaringan optik sinkronis, 10 giga per detik.
  • I'd need the old optical transmitter off KIPP, Cooper.
    Aku perlu pemancar optik tua dari KIPP, Cooper.
  • See also list of optical topics and optics.
    Lihat juga daftar topik optik dan optik.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • of or relating to or involving light or optics; "optical supplies"

  • relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation"
    Sinonim: ocular, optic, visual,

  • of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light"
    Sinonim: ocular, optic, opthalmic,