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overhang artinya

kata kerja past tense: overhung   kata kerja past continuous: overhung   kata kerja present continuous: overhanging   
contoh kalimat "overhang"
  • overhanded:    pukulan overhand; dengan tangan di atas bahu
  • overhand:    pukulan overhand; dengan tangan di atas bahu
  • overhanging:    menjalar
  • overhanging cliff:    tebing batu yg curam
  • overgrowth:    pertumbuhan terlalu cepat; gigantisme
  • overhanging stairs:    tangga-gantung
  • overgrown:    ditutupi tumbuh-tumbuhan; membesar dgn keterlaluan; tumbuh melampaui; penuh tumbuhan liar; terlalu besar
  • overhasty:    pantas; cepat; terburu-buru; segera
  • Watch yourself under the overhang. It could deliver anytime.
    kamu bisa mengamati di bawah kapan saja.
  • This is as far as we can go. - Overhang?
    Sampai disini yg kita bisa.
  • The wall got super steep and overhanging.
    Dinding itu mendapat super curam dan tergantung.
  • There is a fissure underneath the overhang.
    Ada celah yg mencuat dibawah ini.
  • From the office on the second floor, there is an overhang.
    Dari kantor di lantai dua, ada tempat tergantung.
  • You'll blow away the whole overhanging cliff... so that it buries the factory.
    Kau ledakan seluruh tebing yg menggantung ... sehingga mengubur pabrik.
  • Overhung bearing INT720 AUDI Q7 30x19 INTA 700.00
    Overhung bearing AS190 VW TOUAREG d30x20 ASPAR 700.00
  • (Galvanized ) Front beam overhang 1.3~1.5m 1.3~1.5m
    (Galvanis) Ndhuwur garis beam 1.3 ~ 1.5m 1.3 ~ 1.5m
  • (Galvanized ) Front beam overhang 1.3~1.5m 1.3~1.5m
    (Galvanis) Balok depan overhang 1.3 ~ 1.5m 1.3 ~ 1.5m
  • Quantity of Axles 3 Front Overhang (mm) 1500
    Jumlah as 3 Overhang Depan (mm) 1500
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else

  • Kata kerja
  • be suspended over or hang over; "This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town"
    Sinonim: beetle,

  • project over