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overshoot artinya

kata kerja past tense: overshot   kata kerja past continuous: overshot   kata kerja present continuous: overshooting   
contoh kalimat "overshoot"
  • I'm afraid I overshot the mark by one level.
    Saya khawatir saya melampaui batas satu tingkat.
  • Houston, we overshot our landing field. We overshot our landing field.
    Houston, kami melewatkan area pendaratan.
  • Houston, we overshot our landing field. We overshot our landing field.
    Houston, kami melewatkan area pendaratan.
  • I mean, how do you control your overshoot?
    Maksudku, bagaimana kalian mengendalikan peluru yang melewati target?
  • Maybe I overshot a bit to keep you from walking out.
    Mungkin aku sedikit berlebihan untuk mencegahmu meninggalkanku.
  • I just think you might have overshot,
    Saya Hanya berpikir Anda mungkin memiliki overshot,
  • Oh, I think you've overshot your analysis of me for today.
    Aku pikir kau berlebihan dalam menganalisisku hari ini.
  • I seem to have overshot the emergency window.
    Tampaknya aku membutuhkan jendela darurat
  • I think we overshot it.
    Ku rasa kita sudah berhasil melewatinya.
  • You overshot by about six blocks.
    Kau kelewatan enam blok.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
    Sinonim: wave-off, go-around,

  • Kata kerja
  • aim too high; "The plan overshoots its aim"

  • shoot beyond or over (a target)