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peer-to-peer artinya

contoh kalimat "peer-to-peer"
  • Circle is a peer-to-peer payments technology company.
    MEKAR adalah perusahaan teknologi keuangan yang melayani pinjaman peer-to-peer.
  • Well, peer-to-peer delivery is good to go here.
    Aku siap untuk pengiriman. Tinggal bilang saja.
  • Finally, it's our belief in peer-to-peer learning.
    Terakhir, kami percaya dengan sistem belajar peer-to-peer.
  • NFC peer-to-peer communication is possible, provided both devices are powered.
    Komunikasi peer-to-peer NFC memungkinkan, menyediakan kedua perangkat aktif.
  • Think of it as peer-to-peer philanthropy.
    Anggap saja ini seperti filantropi antar-individu.
  • It is generally credited as being the first peer-to-peer file sharing system.
    Penemuan ini dikatakan sebagai sistem berbagi peer-to-peer yang pertama.
  • Okay, we should be peer-to-peer and ready to look right down RIPLEY's throat.
    Oke, kita harus memakai peer-to-peer dan siap melihat kedalam RIPLEY.
  • ? Multihop capabilities extend the range of peer-to-peer communications,
    ? Kemampuan multihop memperluas jangkauan komunikasi peer-to-peer,
  • Dash (DSH) is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency.
    Dash (DSH) adalah kripto peer-to-peer di sumber terbuka.
  • Why a new form of peer-to-peer commerce needs to exist
    Mengapa bentuk baru perdagangan peer-to-peer perlu ada
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5