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petrify artinya

pengucapan: [ 'petriˌfai ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: petrified   kata kerja past continuous: petrified   kata kerja present continuous: petrifying   
contoh kalimat "petrify"
  • But how she has been Petrified, I cannot say.
    Tapi bagaimana dia dibekukan, aku tidak tahu.
  • We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify.
    Kami tak menyadari bahwa Kekuasaan kami akan berakhir.
  • And it was hard, like petrified wood.
    Dan itu keras, seperti kayu yang telah membatu.
  • He gets petrified when he is about to get married.
    Kekasih tak bisa membantu saat kekasihnya menikah.
  • That looks like a whole bowl of petrified curly fries.
    Terlihat seperti semangkuk gorengan keriting.
  • "Well, you're nothing more than petrified wood to me.
    "Kau tak ubahnya sepotong kayu bagiku.
  • The idea of those killer bees coming back is petrifying.
    Ide mereka lebah pembunuh datang kembali adalah membatu.
  • Τhere, it's got kids petrified!
    mereka tidak bertopeng, dan ini membuat anak-anak sangat ketakutan!
  • But he's not... and I'm petrified.
    Aku tidak ingin mati dengan seperti ini
  • Τhere, it's got kids petrified!
    mereka bertopeng, dan ini membuat anak-anak sangat ketakutan!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • cause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned; "The horror petrified his feelings"; "Fear petrified her thinking"

  • make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"
    Sinonim: rigidify, ossify,

  • change into stone; "the wood petrified with time"
    Sinonim: lapidify,