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philistia artinya

contoh kalimat "philistia"
  • During the Iron Age, Ekron was a border city on the frontier contested between Philistia and the kingdom of Judah.
    Selama Zaman Besi, Ekron merupakan kota perbatasan yang diperebutkan oleh orang Filistin dan Kerajaan Yehuda.
  • Gibbethon has been identified with al-Majdal, near Ashkelon, and so possibly on the border of Danite Israel and Philistia.
    Gibeton telah diidentifikasi dengan al-Majdal, dekat Ashkelon, dan jadi mungkin di perbatasan wilayah suku Dan di Israel dan Filistin.
  • An uprising in the Philistine city of Ashdod, supported by Judah, Moab, Edom and Egypt, was suppressed, and Philistia became an Assyrian province.
    Suatu pemberontakan di kota Filistin, Asdod, didukung oleh Kerajaan Yehuda, Moab, Edom dan Mesir, berhasil ditekan, lalu Filistia menjadi sebuah provinsi Asyur.
  • "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Rahab and Babylon will I mention that my confessors; behold Philistia, and Tire, and Cush, and those born there. "
    "Yang paling dikasihi tentang engkau, ya kota Allah. Rahab dan Babel akan saya menyebutkan bahwa bapa pengakuan saya; lihatlah Filistea, Tirus, dan Etiopia, dan mereka lahir di sana. "
  • Na'aman proposes instead that the name means just "gate", perhaps "because it was located on the western border of Judah with Philistia, a place that was seen as the gateway to the kingdom of Judah."
    Na'aman mengusulkan bahwa nama itu hanya berarti "gerbang", mungkin "karena berlokasi pada batas barat Yehuda dengan Filistia, suatu tempat yang dipandang sebagai "jalur gerbang" (gateway) menuju kerajaan Yehuda."
  • Sargon II mentions on a clay prism a revolt against him by Moab together with Philistia, Judah, and Edom; but on the Taylor prism, which recounts the expedition against Hezekiah, Kammusu-Nadbi (Chemosh-nadab), King of Moab, brings tribute to Sargon as his suzerain.
    Sargon II menyebut pada sebuah prisma tanah liat suatu pemberontakan terhadapnya oleh Moab bersama Philistia, Yehuda, dan Edom; tetapi pada Prisma Taylor, yang mencatat penyerangan terhadap Hizkia, Kammusu-Nadbi (Chemosh-nadab), raja Moab, membawa upeti bagi Sargon sebagai suzerain.