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possession artinya

pengucapan: [ pə'zeʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: possessions   
contoh kalimat "possession"
  • We're seeing cities and states decriminalize possession of marijuana.
    Banyak kota dan negara bagian mendekriminalisasi mariyuana.
  • I must say I adore my French possessions.
    Saya harus mengatakan saya memuja harta Perancis saya.
  • And that doesn't help support a case for possession.
    Dan yang tidak membantu menyokong kes pemilikan.
  • Being in possession of a dog that worries sheep.
    Berada dalam kepemilikan anjing yang khawatir domba.
  • How can I make you a part of this possession?
    Bagaimana aku bisa membaginya bersamamu Sunil?
  • 93% of those arrests were for possession and use.
    93% lainnya adalah para pemilik dan pengguna
  • Have your belongings remained in your possession the entire time?
    Apakah sejak awal barang ini milikmu?
  • "Your father left this in my possession before he died.
    "Ayahmu menitipkan benda ini sebelum wafat.
  • Possession of banned substances will mean immediate dismissal.
    Kepemilikan benda yang dilarang akan langsung berakibat pengeluaran.
  • We believe Amador is in possession of the Cordilla virus.
    Kami yakin Amador memiliki virus Cordilla.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • anything owned or possessed

  • the act of having and controlling property
    Sinonim: ownership,

  • (sport) the act of controlling the ball (or puck); "they took possession of the ball on their own goal line"

  • the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
    Sinonim: self-control, self-possession, willpower, will power, self-command, self-will,

  • a territory that is controlled by a ruling state

  • a mania restricted to one thing or idea
    Sinonim: monomania,

  • being controlled by passion or the supernatural