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pragmatics artinya

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contoh kalimat "pragmatics"
  • Pragmatics is concerned with the role of context in the interpretation of meaning.
    Pragmatik berhubungan dengan peran konteks dalam penginterpretasian makna.
  • Such models of meaning are explored in the field of pragmatics.
    Model makna seperti itu ditelaah lebih jauh dalam bidang pragmatik.
  • Phonology Morphology Semantics Syntax Pragmatics Expressive Receptive
    Fonologi Morfologi Semantik Sintaks Pragmatik Ekspresif Reseptif
  • The study of how the meaning of linguistic expressions changes depending on context is called pragmatics.
    Kajian tetang bagaimana makna dari ekspresi linguistik berubah bergantung konteks disebut pragmatika.
  • Her academic interests include translation—especially literary works—culture, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics.
    Ia menaruh minat antara lain dalam bidang penerjemahan – terutama penerjemahan karya sastra, budaya, sosiolinguistik dan pragmatik.
  • Pragmatics is concerned with the ways in which language use is patterned and how these patterns contribute to meaning.
    Pragmatika bersangkutan dengan cara-cara di mana penggunaan bahasa dipolakan dan bagaimana pola-pola tersebut mempengaruhi makna.
  • Our professional translators come from different background and culture and are familiar with the pragmatics of the target language.
    Para penerjemah profesional kami memiliki latar belakang dan budaya yang berbeda dan sangat memahami pragmatika bahasa target.
  • In particular, it is tied to the philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas, and their program of universal pragmatics, along with its related theories such as those on discourse ethics and rational reconstruction.
    Gagasan ini secara khusus terkait dengan filsafat Karl-Otto Apel, Jürgen Habermas, program pragmatika sejagad, serta teori yang terkait seperti etika wacana dan rekonstruksi rasional.
  • Semantics contrasts with syntax, the study of the combinatorics of units of a language (without reference to their meaning), and pragmatics, the study of the relationships between the symbols of a language, their meaning, and the users of the language.
    Semantik berbeda dengan sintaks, studi tentang kombinatorik unit bahasa (tanpa mengacu pada maknanya), dan pragmatik, studi tentang hubungan antara simbol-simbol bahasa, makna, dan pengguna bahasa.
  • In the philosophy of language, the view of pragmatics as being central to language and meaning is often associated with Wittgenstein's later works and with ordinary language philosophers such as J.L. Austin, Paul Grice, John Searle, and W.O. Quine.
    Dalam filsafat bahasa pandangan ini sering dikaitkan dengan karya terakhir Wittgenstein dan dengan filsuf bahasa umum seperti G. E. Moore, Paul Grice, John Searle dan J. L. Austin.
    Kata benda
  • the study of language use