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pre-ejaculate artinya

contoh kalimat "pre-ejaculate"
  • "Yes, the pre-ejaculate fluid itself does not contain sperm.
    "Ya, cairan pra-ejakulasi sendiri tidak mengandung sperma.
  • It was a trickle of pre-ejaculate at most.
    Itu tetesan pra-ejakulasi yang paling banyak.
  • It's a trickle of pre-ejaculate at most.
    Ini tetesan cairan pra-ejakulasi paling banyak.
  • How many times did you pre-ejaculate again?
    Berapa kali Anda pra-ejakulasi lagi?
  • As the pre-ejaculate leaves the body, however, it may pick up sperm from a previous ejaculation that remains in the urethra."
    Sebagai pra-ejakulasi meninggalkan tubuh, bagaimanapun, mungkin mengambil sperma dari ejakulasi sebelumnya yang tetap dalam uretra. "