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precarious artinya

pengucapan: [ pri'kɛəriəs ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "precarious"
  • You are in a very unique and precarious position.
    Kau berada di posisi unik dan berbahaya.
  • Your very existence puts Semak in a precarious position.
    Keberadaanmu menempatkan Semak pada posisi yang sulit.
  • It would put us in a very precarious position.
    Bisa membuat kita di posisi yg sulit.
  • Acting is a pretty precarious profession, isn't it?
    Akting adalah profesi yang tidak tetap, kan?
  • The precarious part of the equation... May be negotiated.
    Seluruh bahaya itu... bisa dinegosiasikan kembali.
  • With the situation becoming more precarious by the day
    Dengan situasi jadi lebih sulit hari demi hari
  • You start slaughtering people for no reason other than this precarious theory
    Kau bantai orang tanpa alasan.
  • As I recall, the science was awesome... but financially precarious.
    Seingatku, ilmu itu mengagumkan... tapi dananya sulit.
  • When the fate of this peninsula is precarious
    Ketika keadaan semenanjung ini menjadi genting
  • You're in a very precarious position, Mr. Rajan.
    Kau dalam posisi sulit, Tn. Rajan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • affording no ease or reassurance; "a precarious truce"
    Sinonim: unstable,

  • fraught with danger; "dangerous waters"; "a parlous journey on stormy seas"; "a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat"; "the precarious life of an undersea diver"; "dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery"
    Sinonim: parlous, perilous, touch-and-go,

  • not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage"
    Sinonim: shaky,