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precipitously artinya

contoh kalimat "precipitously"
  • precipitous:    terjal; terburu-buru; segera; cepat; pantas; mendadak; curam
  • precipitation (chemistry):    reaksi pengendapan
  • preciptously:    dengan terjal
  • precipitation:    hujan; timbulnya; kerpasan; presipitasi (meteorologi); pantas; cuaca; kondisi cuaca; tergesa-gesa; cepat; kecepatan; presipitasi; terburu-buru
  • precis:    ringkasan; sari; sinopsis; ikhtisar; abstrak
  • precipitating:    mempercepat
  • precise:    teliti; tepat; cermat; titis; persis; konkret; betul; akurat; betul-betul; presisi; jitu
  • precipitated:    mempercepat
  • precisely:    dengan tepat; dgn tepatnya; persis; tepat; betul-betul; betul; benar-benar; saja; bolong; ringkas; secara; justru; pas; sekadar
  • It dropped precipitously in the '90s and through the 2000s.
    tepatnya menurun drastis di tahun 90an sampai 2000an.
  • Then she got a promotion, and her reviews dropped off precipitously.
    Lalu dia mendapat promosi, dan reviewnya menurun drastis.
  • Presley's condition declined precipitously in September.
    Kondisi Presley makin menurun pada bulan September.
  • He must not act precipitously.
    Beliau tidak harus bertindak drastis.
  • The Duke cannot love me so much if he demands my answer so precipitously!
    Duke Anjou tidak bisa sangat mencintaiku jika dia menuntut jawaban begitu drastis!
  • In contrast, when there is mutual nuclear weapon ownership with both states possessing nuclear weapons, the odds of war drop precipitously.
    Sebaliknya, apabila kedua negara sama-sama memiliki senjata nuklir, kemungkinan pecahnya perang turun drastis.
  • So African agriculture, which is the place of most hunger in the world, has actually fallen precipitously as hunger has risen.
    Sehingga pertanian di Afrika, wilayah paling kelaparan di seluruh dunia, sebenarnya jatuh drastis saat kelaparan meningkat.
  • Uluwatu Temple perches at the south-western tip of peninsula, where sheer cliffs drop precipitously into the clear blue sea, Uluwatu. .. Read more
    Pura Uluwatu bertengger di ujung selatan-barat semenanjung, di mana tebing terjal turun drastis ke laut biru jernih, Uluwatu. .. Read more
  • The peaks here rise so precipitously, the glaciers are so steep and crevassed ... that few except the most skilled mountaineers can penetrate these ranges.
    Di puncak di sini sangat terjal dan curam glaciers yang sangat tajam dan licin kecuali beberapa yang paling terampil penghuni gunung dapat menembus kisaran.
  • With the advent of penicillin and other antibiotics, modern surgical techniques, and intensive care in the 20th century, mortality from pneumonia, which had approached 30%, dropped precipitously in the developed world.
    Dengan kemajuan penicillin dan antibiotik lainnya, teknik pembedahan modern, dan perawatan intensif pada abad ke-20, mortalitas akibat pneumonia, mendekati 30%, menurun di negara-negara maju.
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