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preempt artinya

pengucapan: [ pri(:)'empt ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: preempted   kata kerja past continuous: preempted   kata kerja present continuous: preempting   
contoh kalimat "preempt"
  • preeminently:    terutama
  • preeminent:    yang menonjol; yang unggul; terbesar
  • preempted:    mendapatkan lebih dahulu
  • preeminence:    keunggulan; kemuliaan; prioritas; perkecualian; unggul; kemasyhuran
  • preemption:    hak membeli lebih dahulu; pembelian lebih dahulu
  • preemptive:    pembelian lebih dahulu
  • preen:    bersolek; menjilat; berdandan; merapikan bulu; berpakaian; membersihkan; bermegah; menyelisik; membebat
  • I had so much fun at preempting you, I did.
    Aku sudah bersenang-senang karena mendahuluimu, benar.
  • ?? Making ends preempt the means ??
    ?? Making ends preempt the means ??
  • Preempt the launch sequence. Send those ships up now.
    Lakukan tahap akhir peluncuran Dan terbangkan pesawatnya sekarang !
  • So when Trish Talk got preempted this morning, I
    Jadi ketika Trish Bicara punya mendahului pagi ini, saya
  • It appears, Miss Hamer, we've been preempted by the President.
    Sudah muncul, Nona Hamer..., ...kita didahului oleh Presiden.
  • You also took advantage of our relationship, preempting my every move.
    Anda juga mengambil keuntungan dari hubungan kami, preempting setiap langkah saya.
  • So let me try to preempt them briefly.
    Jadi saya mencoba untuk mendahului mereka sebentar. Meme it
  • My regularly scheduled programming was preempted by the sound of you getting your rocks off, Hoss.
    Jadual tetap programku gagal karena suara jeritanmu, hoss.
  • We need to preempt their preemptive strike with a preemptive preemptive strike.
    Kita harus mendahului serangan lebih dulu mereka dengan serangan lebih dulu yang lebih dulu.
  • If you raced here to see me it must mean the I Love Lois show was preempted this week.
    Jika kau buru2 kesini untuk melihatku pasti artinya acara 'Aku Cinta Lois' telah dibatalkan minggu ini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding
    Sinonim: preemptive bid, pre-empt,

  • Kata kerja
  • make a preemptive bid in the game of bridge

  • acquire for oneself before others can do so

  • gain possession of by prior right or opportunity, especially so as to obtain the right to buy (land)

  • take the place of or have precedence over; "live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour"; "discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor"
    Sinonim: displace,