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prehistoric artinya

pengucapan: [ 'pri:his'tɔrik ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "prehistoric"
  • They look positively prehistoric and a bit scary.
    Mereka terlihat seperti hewan prasejarah dan sedikit menakutkan.
  • 'Cause they're itching for it down in prehistoric
    'Cause they're itching for it down in prehistoric
  • Pteracuda, return your ragged, prehistoric ass to base.
    Pteracuda, kembali compang-camping Anda, ass prasejarah ke dasar.
  • 6500–3800 BC) is a prehistoric period of Mesopotamia.
    6500 sampai 3800 SM) adalah periode prasejarah Mesopotamia.
  • The prehistoric mammal Crusafontia is named after him.
    Nama mamalia prasejarah Crusafontia diambil dari nama dirinya.
  • Indian coracles have been used since prehistoric times.
    Topeng di Korea sudah digunakan sejak zaman prasejarah.
  • The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life (illustrated ed.).
    The complete guide to prehistoric life (edisi ke-First).
  • You see, you overloaded your prehistoric circuits.
    Kau lihat, Kau kelebihan beban sirkuit prasejarah kamu.
  • Some of your theories strike me as prehistoric.
    Beberapa teorimu menyudutkanku sebagai manusia prasejarah.
  • On this prehistoric day I feel duty-bound to say
    On this prehistoric day I feel duty-bound to say
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • of or relating to times before written history; "prehistoric archeology"

  • Kata sifat
  • no longer fashionable; "my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes"

  • belonging to or existing in times before recorded history; "prehistoric settlements"; "prehistoric peoples"
    Sinonim: prehistorical,