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prelude artinya

pengucapan: [ 'prelju:d ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: preluded   kata kerja past continuous: preluded   kata benda plural: preludes   kata kerja present continuous: preluding   
contoh kalimat "prelude"
  • These specific omens, they're prelude to what?
    Dan pertanda spesifik ini -- mereka mengawali apa?
  • And these specific omens, they're prelude to what?
    Dan pertanda spesifik ini- mereka menandakan apa?
  • Do you know the Prelude in E minor?
    Apa kau tau Prelude in E minor?
  • This jan-ken-po prelude can also differ depending on the island.
    Masakan Tionghoa-Indonesia juga dapat bervariasi tergantung dari tempat.
  • The front and rear bumpers were revised on the new Prelude.
    Bumper depan dan belakang direvisi pada Prelude baru.
  • And might this "prelude"... lead eventually to an actual understanding?
    Dan mungkin ini "awal" ... menyebabkan akhirnya pemahaman yang sebenarnya?
  • "...the culmination cannot precede the prelude."
    ".... Puncak tidak boleh mendahului pendahulu"
  • "The immoral incident at the high school is a prelude"
    "Insiden seperti ini baru pertama kali terjadi di sekolah High"
  • This is a beautiful prelude by Chopin. Some of you will know it.
    Prelude indah karya Chopin. Beberapa dari Anda mengenalnya.
  • What looks like an exercise could be a prelude to war.
    Apa yang terlihat seperti latihan bisa menjadi awal dari perang.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • music that precedes a fugue or introduces an act in an opera

  • something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows; "training is a necessary preliminary to employment"; "drinks were the overture to dinner"
    Sinonim: preliminary, overture,

  • Kata kerja
  • play as a prelude

  • serve as a prelude or opening to