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presence artinya

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contoh kalimat "presence"
  • Sir, you should have made your presence known.
    Sir, Anda harus telah membuat kehadiran Anda dikenal.
  • We would like an explanation of your presence here.
    Kami ingin dengar penjelasan keberadaanmu di sini.
  • Your entire presence is a constant criticism of me.
    Anda seluruh keberadaan adalah konstan kritik saya.
  • Then my presence is to our mutual advantage?
    Lalu kehadiran saya adalah untuk keuntungan bersama kita?
  • Your presence here is an act of war.
    Kehadiran Anda di sini adalah sebuah tindakan perang.
  • Your presence is requested at the MAU Commander's open house.
    Kehadiranmu diminta di acara Komandan MAU.
  • My presence here barely stirred a ripple.
    Keberadaan saya di sini hampir tidak mengaduk sebuah riak.
  • Like a presence lurking at the back of my mind.
    Seperti kehadiran mengintai di belakang benakku.
  • We just take those pimps in the magistrate's presence.
    Kami hanya mengambil mucikari di kehadiran hakim,
  • Pelé's presence was what it took to change war into a celebration.
    Gelandang bertubuh besar, Zito.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the act of being present

  • dignified manner or conduct
    Sinonim: bearing, comportment, mien,

  • the impression that something is present; "he felt the presence of an evil force"

  • the immediate proximity of someone or something; "she blushed in his presence"; "he sensed the presence of danger"; "he was well behaved in front of company"
    Sinonim: front,

  • an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby

  • the state of being present; current existence; "he tested for the presence of radon"