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prohibition artinya

pengucapan: [ prəuhi'biʃən, ˌ prəui'biʃən ]  audio:
kata benda plural: prohibitions   
contoh kalimat "prohibition"
  • Your prohibition from the northern territories is upheld.
    Laranganmu di daerah Utara tak bisa diganggu gugat.
  • To haul liquor up and down during prohibition.
    Untuk menaik-turunkan minuman. Selama masa larangan minuman keras.
  • President-electRoosevelt promisedtosign theCullen-Harrisonact theminutehe waselected, effectivelyending prohibition.
    PresidenterpilihRoosevelt janji untuk menandatangani Cullen-Harrison Act begitudiasudahresmijadi terpilih secaraefektifmengakhirilarangan.
  • That prohibition stayed in force until Mexico’s Independence.
    Peraturan ini terus berlaku sampai zaman kemerdekaan Indonesia.
  • During Prohibition we ran molasses into Canada.
    Selama Pelarangan Miras, kami mengimpor sirup gula tebu ke Kanada.
  • You were born during the prohibition ...And there's the snap
    Kau lahir selama larangan ...itu seperti menghantamnya
  • Prohibition, Claude, means no liquor. - Salaud.
    larangan, Claude, artinya tidak ada minuman keras salut.
  • I think it was built during prohibition.
    Kurasa ini dibangun saat masa larangan miras Amerika.
  • What are we gonna do when prohibition ends?
    Apa yang akan kita lakukan kalau larangan ini berhenti?
  • I think it was built sometime during Prohibition.
    Aku rasa itu dibangun saat masa larangan masuknya miras.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the action of prohibiting or inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance thereof); "they were restrained by a prohibition in their charter"; "a medical inhibition of alcoholic beverages"; "he ignored his parents'' forbiddance"
    Sinonim: inhibition, forbiddance,

  • a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages; "in 1920 the 18th amendment to the Constitution established prohibition in the US"

  • a decree that prohibits something
    Sinonim: ban, proscription,

  • refusal to approve or assent to

  • the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment
    Sinonim: prohibition era,