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prototypical artinya

contoh kalimat "prototypical"
  • I want a prototypical wide-receiver. 6'3", 220 lbs.
    Aku ingin wide-receiver dengan prototipikal 6'3", 220 lbs.
  • "If Jane is the prototypical, accommodating bridesmaid
    "Bila Jane adalah prototipe pengiring pengantin wanita
  • They don't look like prototypical jihadists to me.
    Mereka tak tampak seperti pelaku jihad.
  • What does a prototypical jihadist look like, Rick?
    Seperti apa rupa pelaku jihad, Rick?
  • Azobenzene is the prototypical aromatic azo compound.
    Azobenzena adalah senyawa azo aromatik prototipikal.
  • In the prototypical example, banknotes are destroyed by literally setting them on fire.
    Dalam contoh khas, uang kertas dihancurkan dengan dinyalakan api.
  • Hydrolysis of the phosphate groups leads to the prototypical acyclic monoterpenoid geraniol.
    Hidrolisis gugus fosfat akan memicu pembentukan monoterpenoid asiklik prototypical yaitu geraniol.
  • Along with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), this colorless solid is a prototypical strong base.
    Bersama dengan natrium hidroksida (NaOH), padatan tak berwarna ini adalah suatu basa kuat.
  • The reaction of HBr with substituted alkenes was prototypical in the study of free-radical additions.
    Reaksi HBr dengan alkena tersubstitusi adalah prototipe dalam studi adisi radikal bebas.
  • Prototypical generation II reactors include the PWR, CANDU, BWR, AGR, VVER and RBMK.
    Prototipe reaktor daya generasi II adalah PLTN tipe PWR, CANDU, BWR, AGR dan VVER.
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