psychology artinya
pengucapan: [ sai'kɔlədʒi ] audio:
kata benda plural: psychologies
- abnormal psychology: psikologi abnormal
- affect (psychology): afektivitas
- analytical psychology: psikologi analitis
- applied psychology: psikologi gunaan
- association (psychology): pergaulan
- attitude (psychology): sikap; sikap (psikologi)
- attribution (psychology): atribusi
- branches of psychology: cabang psikologi
- clinical psychology: ilmu jiwa klinik; psikologi klinis
- cognitive psychology: psikologi kognitif
- community psychology: psikologi komunitas
- comparative psychology: psikologi perbandingan
- compartmentalization (psychology): kompartementalisasi (psikologi)
- criminal psychology: psikologi jenayah; psikologi kejahatan
- crowd psychology: psikologi massa; psikologi kumpulan
- Doctor Seligman, what is the state of psychology today?"
Doktor Seligman, bagaimana keadaan Psikologi sekarang ini?" - Professor Seligman, what is the state of psychology today?"
Profesor Seligman, bagaimana keadaan Psikologi sekarang ini?" - Yeah, it's all applied psychology and newtonian physics.
Ya, itu semua diterapkan psikologi dan fisika newtonian. - Monitor observable behaviour for signs of internal psychology.
Memantau perilaku yang dapat diamati tanda-tanda psikologi internal. - McClennan teaches Forensic Psychology at West Connecticut College.
McClennan mengajar psikologi forensik di West Connecticut college. - Most psychology departments are filled with personality deficients.
Kebanyakan departemen psikologi dipenuhi dengan kepribadian.. ..yang kurang. - Double majoring in child psychology and public policy.
Jurusan ganda di psikologi anak dan kebijakan publik. - You have a degree in psychology, Miss Mars.
Kau punya sebuah gelar di psikologi, Nona Mars. - Lizzy, what do you know about social psychology?
Lizzy, apa yang kau ketahui tentang psikologi sosial? - Since Freud, psychology has become obsessed with sexuality.
Sejak Freud, psikologi telah berubah terobsesi dengan seksual.
- Kata benda
- the science of mental life
Sinonim: psychological science,