quarter artinya
pengucapan: [ 'kwɔ:tə ] audio:
kata kerja past tense: quartered kata kerja past continuous: quartered kata benda plural: quarters kata kerja present continuous: quartering
- perempat
- seperempat
- suku
- tempat tinggal
- triwulan
- babak
- belas kasihan
- daerah tempat tinggal
- daging bagian kaki
- kuartal
- membagi empat
- membelah empat
- penjuru
- sepasi
- seperempat dolar
- tempat
- melukis
- apartemen
- empat
- bagian
- menumpangkan
- suku tahun
- ruang tempat tinggal
- kawasan
- memperempat
- menarik
- caturwulan
- hujung
- ekor
- buritan
- pihak
- menempatkan
- penggal
- a quarter: seperempat
- in this quarter: di kawasan ini
- 1st quarter: kuartal ke-1
- 2nd quarter: kuartal ke-2
- 3rd quarter: kuartal ke-3
- 4th quarter: kuartal ke-4
- a quarter to seuen: jam
- a quarter to six: enam kurang seperempat
- armenian quarter: bagian armenia
- army quarter: markas tentara
- bukharim quarter: bukharim
- castries quarter: kuarter castries
- choiseul quarter: kuarter choiseul
- christian quarter: bagian kristen
- dennery quarter: kuarter dennery
- Now a dollar has four quarters, right?
Nah, satu dolar adalah empat kali 25 sen, kan? - Buy a quarter of a ticket for 1 peso silver.
Beli kuartal nasib untuk satu peso. - The name of that streetcar that bangs through the quarter.
Nama trem bahwa poni melalui triwulan. - Admiral, enemy torpedo bombers, off the port quarter!
Admiral, enemy torpedo bombers, off the port quarter! - We couldn't find any quarters for you tonight.
Kami tidak bisa menemukan tempat utk malam ini. - How can you keep a rebel in your quarters?
Bagaimana kau bisa menyimpan pemberontak di tempatmu? - The iceberg is spotted a quarter mile away.
Gunung es terapung dilaporkan berada seperempat mil jauhnya. - Find a place in the Van Tassel's servants' quarters.
Cari tempat di rumah pembantu Van Tassel. - I'll need you in a quarter of an hour.
Aku akan membutuhkan Anda dalam seperempat jam. - Asking a senior officer to share his quarters.
Meminta seorang perwira senior untuk berbagi tempat tidurnya.
- Kata benda
- clemency or mercy shown to a defeated opponent; "he surrendered but asked for quarter"
- piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp
- the rear part of a ship
Sinonim: stern, after part, poop, tail, - a district of a city having some distinguishing character; "the Latin Quarter"
- an unspecified person; "he dropped a word in the right quarter"
- a United States or Canadian coin worth one fourth of a dollar; "he fed four quarters into the slot machine"
- a quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)
- a quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)
- one of four equal parts; "a quarter of a pound"
Sinonim: one-fourth, fourth, one-quarter, fourth part, twenty-five percent, quartern, - one of the four major division of the compass; "the wind is coming from that quarter"
- a fourth part of a year; three months; "unemployment fell during the last quarter"
- one of four periods into which the school year is divided; "the fall quarter ends at Christmas"
- a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour; "it''s a quarter til 4"; "a quarter after 4 o''clock"
- (football, professional basketball) one of four divisions into which some games are divided; "both teams scored in the first quarter"
- divide by four; divide into quarters
- divide into quarters; "quarter an apple"
- pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him; "in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"
Sinonim: draw, draw and quarter, - provide housing for (military personnel)
Sinonim: billet, canton,