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racist artinya

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contoh kalimat "racist"
  • It's a chinese guy, frame a local racist.
    Dia pria cina, dan menjebak seorang rasis setempat.
  • Because I'm, like, the furthest thing from a racist.
    Karena aku, merupakan hal terjauh dari rasis.
  • Why you have to get all racist and shit?
    kenapa kau menyebut rasisme dan omong kosong?
  • He's a racist, he's a homophobe, and he's fucking crazy.
    Dia rasis, homofobia, dan dia sinting.
  • We don't all know each other, you racist mother
    Kami tak saling mengenal, dasar rasis brengs
  • You gave it to that despicable, torturing racist.
    Kau memberikannya pada orang rasis hina, penyiksa itu.
  • He wasn't a part of some racist scheme.
    Dia bukan bagian dari rencana jahat yang rasis.
  • Those racist motherfuckers die, and we take over!
    Mereka motherfuckers rasis mati, dan kita mengambil alih!
  • Now, Barry Goldwater says he's not a racist.
    Sekarang, Barry Goldwater mengatakan bahwa dia bukan rasis.
  • Nazi, racist gonorrheas. I'm going to kill all of you.
    Dasar Nazi, orang-orang rasis pembawa STD.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
    Sinonim: racialist,

  • Kata sifat
  • discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
    Sinonim: antiblack, anti-Semite,

  • based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"