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ragusa artinya

contoh kalimat "ragusa"
  • Less known are Ragusa, Gaeta, Ancona, and Noli.
    Yang kurang terkenal adalah Gaeta, Ancona, Noli.
  • The Republic of Ragusa also accepted Louis's suzerainty.
    Republik Ragusa juga menerima suzerenitas Lajos.
  • 1331–55), sent to the Republic of Ragusa.
    1331–55) yang dikirim ke Republik Ragusa.
  • The current district of Ragusa Ibla has been identified as Hybla Heraea.
    Distrik Ragusa Ibla saat ini telah diidentifikasi sebagai Hybla Heraea.
  • His father loved him no less and bestowed on him the county of Ragusa.
    Ayahandanya juga menyayanginya dan menyerahkan kepadanya county Ragusa.
  • Bed & Breakfast Araba Fenice, Ragusa - book now;
    Bed & Breakfast Kapten Krantz P?rnu sito web
  • Ragusa has two railway stations, Ragusa and Ragusa Ibla, on the Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse line.
    Ragusa memiliki dua stasiun kereta api, Ragusa dan Ragusa Ibla, melalui jalur Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse.
  • Ragusa has two railway stations, Ragusa and Ragusa Ibla, on the Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse line.
    Ragusa memiliki dua stasiun kereta api, Ragusa dan Ragusa Ibla, melalui jalur Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse.
  • Ragusa has two railway stations, Ragusa and Ragusa Ibla, on the Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse line.
    Ragusa memiliki dua stasiun kereta api, Ragusa dan Ragusa Ibla, melalui jalur Canicattì-Gela-Syracuse.
  • Ragusa and Dubrovnik eventually merged when the marshland between them was filled in.
    Ragusa dan Dubrovnik akhirnya bergabung ketika rawa di antara mereka telah diisi.
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