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raspberry artinya

pengucapan: [ 'rɑ:zbəri ]  audio:
kata benda plural: raspberries   
contoh kalimat "raspberry"
  • Fresh-cut vegetables, raspberries, pita with hummus and sprouts.
    Sayuran segar, raspberry, roti dengan hummus dan kecambah.
  • Bond Air is go. BLOWS RASPBERRY 'Bond Air is go, that's decided.
    Pesawat Bond akan berangkat.
  • Okay, we all know what a Raspberry Pi is.
    Kita semua tahu apa itu Raspberry Pi.
  • Almost a bit of raspberry jam back there, yeah?
    Hampir jadi selai rapsberi tadi di sana ya?
  • Then the Veal Medallions in Raspberry Truffle Sauce.
    Kemudian Veal medali dalam Saus Raspberry Truffle.
  • How do you feel about little raspberry kites?
    Bagaimana menurutmu tentang layang-layang buah prambos kecil?
  • And, uh, I will have a- a blue raspberry Slushee.
    Dan aku mau beli Slusheea raspberry biru.
  • Last year for Halloween, I was a raspberry!
    Tahun lalu untuk Halloween, aku adalah rasberi!
  • You guys, I don't smell raspberry hair gel.
    Kau semua, aku tidak mencium bau jel rambut raspberry
  • When you say you want to "raspberry' this man,
    Saat kau mengatakan kau ingin "me-raspberry" orang ini
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
    Sinonim: boo, hoot, Bronx cheer, hiss, razzing, razz, snort, bird,

  • red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries

  • woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries
    Sinonim: raspberry bush,