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reputation artinya

pengucapan: [ ˌrepju(:)'teiʃən ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "reputation"
  • But the nearest would be "glory," a reputation.
    Tetapi yang paling dekat adalah "kejayaan", sebuah reputasi.
  • People always find out, and it ruins a reputation.
    Orang-orang selalu mencari tahu, dan reruntuhan reputasi.
  • Oliver, we all know your reputation for rudeness.
    Oliver, kita semua tahu Anda reputasi untuk kekasaran.
  • I wonder if your reputation is altogether true.
    Saya heran jika reputasi Anda sama sekali benar.
  • It will ruin your already useless reputation.
    Jangan menulis tentang hal ini. Ini akan merusak reputasimu.
  • Developed quite a reputation while he was online, eh?
    Dikembangkan reputasi cukup sementara dia online, eh?
  • Dad, I will re-establish our reputation today.
    Ayah, saya akan membangun kembali reputasi kita hari ini.
  • According to this, the Laughing Dragon has own reputation.
    Menurut data, "Patung Naga Tertawa" memiliki "Sejarah".
  • Your parents value their reputation. They'll never take you back.
    Orang tuamu tak akan menerimamu lagi..
  • Wherever they venture their reputation precedes them.
    Dengan jarak jangkauannya yg jauh di banding pasukan lain
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the general estimation that the public has for a person; "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing"; "he was a person of bad report"
    Sinonim: report,

  • the state of being held in high esteem and honor
    Sinonim: repute,

  • notoriety for some particular characteristic; "his reputation for promiscuity"