restrictions artinya
- exchange restrictions: pembatasan devisa
- community activities restrictions enforcement: pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat di indonesia
- religious restrictions on the consumption of pork: larangan agama terhadap penyantapan daging babi
- water restrictions in australia: pembatasan air di australia
- indonesia large-scale social restrictions: pembatasan sosial berskala besar di indonesia; pembatasan sosial berskala besar indonesia 2020
- travel restrictions related to the covid-19 pandemic: sekatan perjalanan berkaitan pandemik covid-19
- blood donation restrictions on men who have sex with men: kontroversi donor darah lelaki seks lelaki
- restriction tags: tag larangan
- restriction of hazardous substances directive: rohs
- restrictive: bersifat membatasi; terbatas; ketat; terhad
- restriction modification system: sistem modifikasi restriksi
- restrictive cardiomyopathy: kardiomiopati restriktif
- restriction fragment length polymorphism: polimorfisme panjang berkas restriksi
- restrictive endorsement: endorsemen terbatas
- restriction enzyme: enzim restriksi
- restrictive lung disease: penyakit paru restriktif