retrogression artinya
- soil retrogression and degradation: degradasi dan retrogesi tanah
- retrogressing: mundur
- retrogressed: mundur
- retrogressive: merosot; mundur
- retrogress: mundur; berulang; menyeleweng; berbalik
- retrogressive movement: gerakbalik
- retrograde ejaculation: pancutan mundur
- retronym: retronim
- retrograde and prograde motion: gerakan retrograd dan prograd
- retroreflection: pantulan balik
- This is the cause of the retrogression
Ini adalah penyebab kemunduran yang - Will potential retrogression of other investors affect the timing of the return of principal beyond the required five year holding period to investors whose I-829 applications have already been approved?
Akankah potensi kemunduran investor lain mempengaruhi waktu pengembalian pokok melampaui periode holding lima tahun yang dipersyaratkan kepada investor yang aplikasi I-829-nya telah disetujui?
- Kata benda
- returning to a former state
Sinonim: regression, regress, reversion, retroversion, - passing from a more complex to a simpler biological form
Sinonim: degeneration,