Masuk Daftar

route artinya

pengucapan: [ ru:t ]  audio:
kata kerja past tense: routed   kata kerja past continuous: routed   kata benda plural: routes   kata kerja present continuous: routing   
contoh kalimat "route"
  • Not sure. We're looking over the manifests and shipping routes.
    Kami sedang memeriksa manifests, jadwal perjalanan,
  • We will follow the route marked by the notches.
    Kami akan mengikuti rute ditandai dengan takik.
  • Advise Intelligence one aircraft dispatched... en route to pre-designated Norwegian target.
    Sarakan Intelijen mengirim satu pesawat
  • In the house, is there an alternate escape route?
    Di rumah, apa ada jalan keluar alternatif?
  • Sir, our route is hindered by the submerged rocks.
    Tuan, rute kita dirintangi oleh batuan selam.
  • But en route, I find I'm in an ambush situation.
    Tapi dalam perjalanan tiba-tiba aku disergap.
  • There's an all-night snake farm on Route 27.
    Ada peternakan ular sepanjang malam di Rute 27.
  • I know the bus routes better than she does.
    Aku mengenal rute bus lebih baik darinya.
  • So, is it difficult to get those international routes?
    Jadi, sulitkah untuk bisa dapatkan rute internasional?
  • Any chance of that dallas route opening up?
    Apakah ada kesempatan untuk rute ke Dallas dibuka?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
    Sinonim: road,

  • an established line of travel or access
    Sinonim: path, itinerary,

  • Kata kerja
  • divert in a specified direction; "divert the low voltage to the engine cylinders"

  • send via a specific route

  • send documents or materials to appropriate destinations