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scrawny artinya

contoh kalimat "scrawny"
  • scrawniness:    kekurusan
  • scrawn:    pangan
  • screak:    pekikan; berdecit; berdenyit; berketak; berderit; memekik; mendecit; menciut; berkeriut; memekikkan
  • scrawling:    mencorat-coret
  • screaky:    berderit; berkeriut
  • scrawled:    mencorat-coret
  • scream:    memekik; menjerit; jeritan; pekikan; penyebab tertawa; goak-goak; menciar-ciar; tangis; bentakan; pekik; memekau; memanggil; mencabik arang; menamai; menangis; melangsi; melolong; tempikan; berdesin
  • scrawl:    mencorat-coret; menulis secara cakar ayam; tulisan jelek; salin; tulis; mencoret
  • scream (1996 film):    scream (film)
  • You're not fucking all right anywhere, you scrawny little cunt.
    Kamu tidak baik-baik saja dimanapun juga.
  • Find out who the hell that scrawny bastard is.
    Cari tahu siapa sih bajingan kurus adalah.
  • That tube amp system kicked your scrawny ass!
    Sistem ampli tabung itu sungguh menghajar bokong kecilmu!
  • I mean, especially for a scrawny 16-Year-Old kid.
    Maksudku, sangat istimewa buat anak kurus berusia 16 tahun.
  • He got shot in his scrawny little butt in Normandy.
    Dia tertembak di bokongnya saat di Normandia.
  • He is a bit scrawny for a seventh son.
    Dia sedikit kurus untuk Putera Ketujuh.
  • Not another one of these scrawny, old Washington biddies.
    Jangan yang kurus seperti itu, wanita tua Washington.
  • How 'bout if I just wring your scrawny neck?
    Bagaimana kalau kalau aku saja memuntir leher kurus Anda?
  • Not bad for that scrawny little spit-fuck.
    tidak terlalu jelek untuk bocah ingusan kecil.
  • Few gold coins, you're so scrawny.
    Beberapa keping emas saja karena kau sangat kurus.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • being very thin; "a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a long scrawny neck"
    Sinonim: scraggy, boney, skinny, underweight, weedy,

  • inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees"
    Sinonim: scrubby, stunted,