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scruff artinya

contoh kalimat "scruff"
  • No, a current one,one with the scruff he's always wearing.
    Tidak, foto terbarunya, yang ada janggut pendeknya.
  • The scruff is so much more attractive than the timber.
    Jambang itu jauh lebih menarik daripada kayu.
  • Take your little boy-band hipster scruff and piss off.
    Silakan putar balik lalu pergi.
  • Just the right amount of scruff.
    Tepat mengikuti lekukan tulang wajahnya
  • That goon over there in the blue shirt. With all the scruff, looking around?
    Pria dengan kemeja biru itu yang mengamati sekelilingnya?
  • The only women aboard were dragged there by the scruff of their neck.
    Satu-satunya perempuan di kapal diseret sana oleh tengkuk leher mereka.
  • You poor, unfortunate scruff.
    Anda miskin, malang tengkuk.
  • Gregor never said a word, he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals.
    Gregor tak berkata apa-apa dia hanya mencengkeram tengkuk saudaranya dan memasukkan kepalanya kedalam bara api.
  • In April, Kardashian sparked controversy over the way she held a kitten for a photograph, holding it by the scruff of its neck.
    Pada bulan April, Kardashian memicu kontroversi mengenai caranya memegang anak kucing ketika berfoto, memegangnya di tengkuk lehernya.
    Kata benda
  • the back side of the neck
    Sinonim: nape, nucha,